JSJ is a key supporter for foreigners wanting to work in Japan.
Jobs Sakura Japan

Work visa overview

Primary working visa

primary working visa are listed below. Among them, No3 and No4 visa are main visa the paid job placement sevice of Job Sakura Japan. As for technical intern traininng , the worker can change visa to the specified skilled worker after the worker finishes the technical intern traning 2.

As for a student visa, a student can apply for the woeking visa related to the field of study after graduation.

No.Visa status Typical occupation
1Highly skilled professional
Highly skilled brains based on point system ( excellent researcher etc.)
2Business manger General business manager
3Engineer /Specialist in humanities/International servicesEngineer , Interpreter , English teacher , trader , PR
4Specified skilled worker
Workers engaged in 16
industries ( nursing care, construction etc.)
5Skilled labor Cook of foreign dishes with over 10 years experience
6Nursing care
Care worker
7Intra-company transferee
Transferee from foreign office
8Medical services Doctor , dentist, nurse
9Instructor Language teacher in junior or senior high school
10ResearcherResearcher of government institution or private company
11EntertainerActor, signer, dancer , athlete
12Legal / Accounting servicesLawyer , certified public accountant
13Designated activitiesInternship , housekeeper of diplomat
14ProfessorUniversity professor
15Journalist Foreign press reporter , foreign press cameraman
16Artist Composer , painter , artist

Determination  of working visa

Most major work visas in Japan are for college graduates. If you are not a college graduate , the gates are narrow. Main visas for undergraduates are “Skilled worker visa” (cocks with more than 10 years of practical experience), “Entertainment visa”(dancers, etc.) and “Intra-transferee visa (transfer from overseas parent company to a Japanese subsidiary). As a countermeasure for the shortage of human resources for the field workers, “Specified skilled worker visa” started in April 2019.

Outline of Specified skilled worker

There are 2 types of specified skilled worker visa listed below. The typical one is the specified skilled worker 1. The industrial field for this visa is 16 (As for details, refer to 16 specified industrial field for specified skilled worker visa) After passing the skill test and Japanese language test N4, the foreign worker can apply for this visa.

 Specified skilled worker 1Specified skilled woker2
Period of residence1year, 6months, 4 months
Total extension limit 5 years
3years, 1 year, 6 months
No limitation for extension
Permanent visa possible in the future
Academic background
No limitationNo limitation
Specialty skill level
Confirmed by skill test
(skills certificate grade 3 equivalent)
Confirmed by skill test
(skills certificate grade 1 equivalent)
Japanese ability level
Japanese language test N4 equivalentNo Japanese test
Accompanying family
NoDependent visa
Support by accepting company or registered support organization
Need to submit the support plan
to immigration and report regularly
No need
Other required conditions
More than 17 years old
In the contract between the sending out organization and above worker,
the guarantee money or penalty are
prohibited to be included.

Note1) The workers of the listed below can apply for the specified worker visa. Philippines, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.

Note2) After March 2020, it becomes possible to change from a short term visa to a specified skilled worker visa if you come to Japan with a short-term visa , and pass Japanese language proficiency test and skill lever test in Japan.

On accepting foreign workers

When applying for 16 types of specified skilled worker visa, it is necessary for the recruiting company to prepare a support plan for foreign workers in addition to meet the acceptance conditions shown in the table below. In case of employing the construction worker, additional requirements are imposed.

Standard conditions of Accepting Institution (or company)
1.The employment contract must meet the request standard of the Immigration control law.
(ex. The salary is same as Japanese worker)
2.No violation of Immigration control and Refugee recognition Act within past 5 years.
3. No violation of Labor standard law within past 5 years.
4. Support system for the foreign worker is enough maintained.
5. Support plan for the foreign worker is appropriate.
6. No involuntary leavers and no missing workers within past 1 year
note) In case hiring the construction workers, additional conditions are required.
Content of support plan for foreign workers
1.The guidance about the Japanese daily life before entering into Japan by the language the worker
  can understand.
2. Meeting and seeing off the foreign worker at the airport
3. Support to search the living place and sign the lease contract
4. Support to open bank account , contract the mobile phone etc.
5. Support to improve the Japanese language ability
6. Dealing with consultation and complains of the foreign worker
7. Providing information about various administrative procedure and support the actual procedure
(resident registration, health insurance, pension etc.)
8. Support of the cultural exchange between local Japanese and the foreign workers
9. Support to find the new working place when the employment contract is cancelled
  as though the foreign worker has not any causes to be blamed.

16 specified industrial field for specified skilled worker visa

Among the 16 industries, “Nursing care”, “Eating out”, “Construction”, “Agriculture”, and “Building cleaning” are the industries where the labor shortage are serious. We focus on three industries. “Nursing care”, “Construction”, “Eating out”, Employment is not possible by dispatch, except for “agriculture” and “fishing”.

Flow from Job search request to  start working in Japan

Flow from job search to start working